There are a multitude of good reasons to give an organic basket as a gift!

A Gift
A Gift

If your farm offers it , you can give a subscription to a person of your choice.

  1. Start the registration by selecting the subscription details (Delivery point, basket format, extra options),
  2. Click on the blue button "continue registration",
  3. If a warning pop-up window appears to notify you that you already have an active subscription for the season, simply close it by clicking on the cross at the top right,
  4. Fill in all the information on the form,
  5. Select "offer a subscription as a gift" in the drop-down menu of the form, just below the "contacts" information and fill in the six questions relating to the person to whom you intend your gift,
  6. Click on "subscribe".

That's it !

Please note that all communications relating to payment and the invoice will be addressed to you only. It is up to you to communicate the details to the person to whom you are giving this wonderful gift (Just to keep the surprise!). You and the recipient of your gift will have access to the invoice, but only the recipient will have access to the delivery schedule if one is made available by the farm. Of course thereafter, this person will directly receive all communications from the farm, such as the newsletter. However, he must himself activate the delivery reminders in his profile.

English Form
English Form